Speaking of nano, which I was in the last post, very informative article about the industry in a newsletter a friend forwarded. It’s a new publication called the EnergyBizInsider newsletter–you’ve got to register, but it’s free and if you’re intereted in sustainability and energy issues, it looks like a good resource.
This issue of the e-newsletter gives a really good description of the nano industry and its possibilities (quotes lots of researchers from universities all over the U.S.)
“…700 nanotech companies now exist. About $711 million in venture capital funding was directed to such companies in 2002 and 2003, says Lux Capital. By 2015, the National Science Foundation says that $1 trillion will get invested into those companies with the most promise.”
Sorry I can’t give you a link to the newsletter itself–can’t seem to locate it on the site. But I’ll be happy to forward it if you email me with “Forward energy article” in the subject line.